"We proclaim him by instructing and teaching all people with all wisdom so that we may present every person mature in Christ."
-Colossians 1:28
We are passionate about living our lives as disciples of Jesus Christ.
So we value spiritual growth. We want to help people grow in their relationship with God, wherever they might presently be in life's journey.
Exploring Christ. We value people who don't yet consider themselves Christians and want to check out this whole faith in God thing. We welcome you to join us as we seek to better understand God and His work in our world.
- Our philosophy is "belong and then believe" - we invite you to hang out with us and ask the same hard questions about God and the Bible that many of us did before we came to faith in Jesus Christ.
- We value the Bible as God's Word to us, so our sermons are focused on what the Bible itself teaches us and how we might apply that understanding in our lives.
- We typically hang out in our coffee shop (free coffee) for some casual conversations after the worship service. Our pastor is available and loves to engage in deeper conversations about the sermon passage or life in general during this time.
- If you're interested, we can connect you to a small group that meets in a comfortable home setting where you can explore the Christian faith with a few others who "don't have all the answers" but are happy explore the Bible together, talk about life, and pray for each other.
Growing in Christ. We are passionate about helping new believers better understand what the Bible teaches and how Christians have responded to the Bible, God's Word, for over 2,000 years.
- Christians can use a lot of words you don't normally hear. So we offer a short, four-week quick-start class to help new believers understand what the Bible is and what it isn't, who God is, and what God's salvation practically means. We want to help get new believers started with their relationship with God on the right foot.
- Community is an important part of God's plan for our lives. We offer some non-threatening, low-key ways for you to get involved in helping others, both inside and outside the church, as your relationship with God begins to grow.
Close to Christ. As people mature in their faith, they get to a point where they want to take more responsibility for their own relationship with God. We encourage the people who worship with us to grow their own strong personal relationship with God.
- We offer classes on how to practice spiritual disciplines, like prayer, meditation, simplicity, service, worship, and celebration because we find these practices beneficial in our lives.
- We also offer opportunities to use the church as an environment for practicing these disciplines and connecting with God's presence.
Christ-Centered. We encourage people to find their mission in life. What is it that you most need to do and that God most needs to have done? We want to support people as they go out and make a difference in the world, loving others by doing the things that they love to do.
- We offer one-on-one mentoring to help find your mission and then working together to figure out how the church can help support you in that mission.